Designing for Genre
The last few entries in this blog introduced the concept of “genre” as a way to frame visualization. I analogized visualization to literary genres: different genres of visualizations use the same perceptual building blocks and grammar but put those pieces together with distinct purposes. The core genres were exploration, presentation, and monitoring. We also discussed domain-specific visualization.
These genres also have subgenres: some presentations are meant to be read for scientific analysis, others for emotional resonance.
But why does genre matter? Can’t we say these are different tasks and call it a day?
Genre Helps Understand User Intent
When talking with a client recently, I was struck by how genre matters. They were building a question-answering system. The user can ask questions like, “How were sales last month across four different stores?” The client wanted to create an interface to answer the question.
We realized that question was incomplete — we needed to know why the user was asking.
Maybe they were trying to learn about business dynamics. They might follow the question with another “What products sold better in San Francisco than Seattle?” or “How did that change since last quarter?” or other exploratory questions. A system that provides paths to future exploration would benefit those users.
Other users might want to paste the resulting image into a presentation or a report. Those users will probably care most about styling, design, and readability.
Other users might want to check that figure monthly to monitor how sales are shifting. They plan to put the answer into a dashboard and set up a data pipeline for future queries.
This different intent turns out to be necessary. Genre helps us understand how to answer a user’s needs correctly.
Genre Shapes User Experience
This also implies that genre can help us design a user interface. Tools often confuse these distinctions: presentation features are placed next to exploratory features in charting tools.
Google Sheet’s Chart Editor
Tools for different genres in the same UI
Check out this screenshot from Google Sheets as an example. It offers the user “compare mode” and “background color” next to each other. These are very different tools! “Compare mode” lets you examine the value at any data point, essential for interactive exploratory analysis. On the other hand, “background color” and “border color” are primarily for presentations.
We often see the genres mixed up in the same tool. In Excel, for example, some functions seem to be designed for different genres. For example, Excel pivot tables are excellent for exploration but seem almost unfriendly for presentation. (Perhaps that’s intentional!). Excel’s 3D charts might work well for presentations but are less useful for explorations. Chart types like the stock high/low/close charts are domain-specific to the finance sector.
Unfortunately, all these different uses are mixed into the same menus, leading to user confusion.
Genre Shapes Data Flow
I was talking to a former Chief Data Officer for a Fortune 500 company. He explained to me that his company had spent tremendous amounts of money maintaining data pipelines that were not in use and had hired an audit team merely to determine which pipelines to turn off.
In his telling, their company had designed their data warehouse so that any query became a data pipeline, ready for periodic updates in a dashboard. The system did not distinguish between a data scientist pulling data once for exploration, an executive getting data for a presentation, and a continuing pull for a dashboard. As you might imagine, storage and transfer costs exploded.
Having a way to understand genre would have been invaluable in taking into account their different needs.
Moving Between Genres
This is not to say that questions are confined to one genre. In fact, the same question will often flow between genres. A data scientist might go on an exploration and learn an interesting fact. Later, they’ll present that fact to their stakeholders and perhaps even set up a monitoring solution to see whether that fact continues to hold.
The reverse might happen, too: an executive might see a surprising result on a dashboard and decide to understand what changed, so initiate an exploration.
Designing with Genre
To design a visualization, we must first understand what it will be used for. The concept of “genre” can help describe everyday tasks and use cases. Designing with the genre in mind helps clarify what parts are most important.
Visualization Genres: Domain-Specific Visualization
In the last few blog entries, I’ve talked about a few major genres of visualization — exploration, presentation, and monitoring. We’re getting toward the end of this series (phew!).
I started to coalesce the other posts, so I could compare and contrast the three; and on the way, I bumped into domain-specific visualization.
Let’s start with the first three.
Genre | Exploration | Presentation | Monitoring |
Questions are ... | New | Known | Known |
Answers are ... | New | Known | New |
Data is ... | Static | Static | Changing |
Interactivity | Extensive | Curated | Curated |
Visualization Mapping | Rapid to analyze | Depends on intent | Consistent |
Audience | Self / Analyst | Broad | Variable |
In the last row, I put the question of how you choose the “visualization mapping” — do you choose bars and pies, or more exotic representations? In exploration, analysts almost always want to use the simplest visualization possible, such as quick summary statistics and distributions. A presentation has more room for creativity — the designer can choose a visualization mapping that might take some education. A dashboard has more flexibility; people will return to it from time to time.
This grid is missing a major category:
Domain-Specific Visualization
The missing piece is domain-specific discovery: visualizations that are built for a specific shape of data and a specific set of questions. These address more specific problems than freeform exploration, but allows for new data, unlike fixed presentations.
Previously, we discussed how a data presentation can use novel visualization mappings. We also talked about how interactive filters and highlights can allow a user to focus on particular aspects of the data.
Domain-specific tools generalize this to previously-unknown data. Domain-specific visualizations are built by a designer who knows enough about the domain of the data to want to create a specialized visualization, but expects the user to bring their own data.
Google Maps can be seen as a family of domain-specific visualizations: for example, the driving directions overlay complex data (alternate routes, expected drive time) over a familiar cartographic map. We might argue that tools like Strava are domain-specific: the tool shows the same maps, charts of speed and heartrate, and segment records across different exercises.
When I worked at Honeycomb, we built a waterfall trace viewer for distributed trace observability. Trace data must be hierarchical, with certain well-known attributes (“errors”, “service name”, “duration”), and certain relationships between data points. For data that is shaped like a trace, though, there’s nothing better.
The trace viewer showing a single trace's as a "waterfall" visualization. The trace view helps show that no single operation within the trace seems to be particularly slow -- no bottom-level rectangle takes up a lot of the total duration.
Indeed, I spent much of my research career building and evaluating novel visualization mappings, or applying known mappings to novel datasets. The “CorpTreemap” (2013) drew a treemap over a large company’s hierarchical organization chart. Using the map as a background, the user could then apply different lists of people over the map to understand how those groups varied.
Microsoft's organizational chart, visualized as a treemap, and with membership on three mailing lists as highlights. (Bicyclists; users of a gaming development toolkit; and people interested in the "Garage" makerspace.) Sales and marketing groups are on the left side of the map, product groups on the right side. These overviews show how interest in a topic may be linked to a group's area of interest.
There’s a common theme: in a domain-specific discovery, we make a user’s complex dataset understandable by choosing a representation that makes sense to the user. We trade off the flexibility of an exploration for the clarity of a domain-specific visualization.
Next entry, we’ll put these together to talk about why genre matters.
Visualization Genres: Monitoring and Dashboards
We’ve talked about exploration — learning new things about your data; and we’ve talked about presentation — teaching other people things about data. The third major genre of visualization is monitoring and dashboards —learning about new data in real time.
(In the next entry, I’ll say a little about things that don’t fit well into these categories.)
I’ll use the words “monitoring” (as the task) and “dashboard” (as the tool that we use to carry out the taxsk) somewhat interchangably. A dashboard is a set of fixed visualizations connected to live data, with the goal of letting a user have a consistent view of a standing question — and so, to monitor a situation.
The dashboard curator chooses a set of visualizations, backed by data queries. When a user looks at the dashboard, they see a recently-updated view.
Paradoxically, dashboards are perhaps the least-loved genre in the visualization world, yet the most used. Michael Correll has described them as “rude”; visualization researchers often dismiss them as uninteresting. They don’t come with the thrill of discovery, as exploratory visualization does; and they don’t encourage novel renderings, like presentations do.
Four dashboard exemplars showing different use cases. From Sarikaya et al's What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Dashboards? (IEEE VIS 2019).
Sometimes, a dashboard is used to communicate updates to others, as in the COVID-19 dashboards that were a regular part of life in 2020 and 2021. Other times, dashboards are a way of pinning down a frequently-asked question: at Honeycomb, we often saw our customers create dashboards that allowed them to easily check whether their system was working well, or whether a known issue was recurring.
Addressing known issues seems to be the key to dashboards: they pin down past questions, more then they explore future ones. A decision-support dashboard shows the answer to past questions: “last time this happened, we wanted to know the answer to this question. What about this time?”.
A well-designed dashboard invites two next steps:
Letting the reader compare a value to a past state, or desired ranges. Not all dashboards are good at comparison: is “12,750” in the top-left of the social dashboard, above, growing or shrinking? Is it a good number or a bad one? The reader might know, but the visualization doesn’t seem to say. Gauges, like the operational dashboard above, let the reader compare to a desired normative value, but may not provide information .
Asking questions about why a particular change has happened, and further exploration. (“Why is this number high?”)
At their worst, dashboards are retreads: Honeycomb CTO Charity Majors talks about a dashboard as “an answer to some long-forgotten question”, “an invitation to pattern-match the past instead of interrogate the present.”
That’s our three major genres — next time, I’ll talk a little about things that don’t fit so well into the categories, and try to put these in a grid together.
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A few years ago, I got together with some colleagues from Tableau and Microsoft got together to write an academic article, “What do we talk about Dashboards”, which tries to break down families of dashboard uses. Some of those authors followed up with “Heuristics for Supporting Cooperative Dashboard Design”, exploring ways to think about how to frame dashboards more usefully, using a conversational metaphor.
If you want a more tactical approach, Stephen Few’s “Information Dashboard Design” is a useful discussion of how to create practical dashboards.
And, of course — if you’ve got visualization challenges of your own, I’d love to help out! Drop me a line, and let’s talk about how to help our users and customers make sense of critical data.
Visualization Genres: Presentation
In the last entries, I introduced three genres of visualizations.
Exploration: I want to discover new insights about my data.
Presentation: I know the answer and I want to share it with others.
Monitoring: I know the questions I want to ask, and check them from time to time.
We’ve talked about Exploration. Data presentation – sometimes, “data storytelling” – is the next genre to discuss. In a presentation, the visualization designer already knows the answer, and is trying to present it to an audience. Visualizations for presentation are perhaps the ones that we most often are thinking of when we think about the field – we find them in newspaper articles, in corporate powerpoint decks, and in memes.
Because the designer already knows the outcome, they have more latitude than in other genres. They typically choose a fixed set of data. They can set axes to perfectly fit their data, choose colors that are descriptive, and can choose a visual representation that might not scale to other data. They can also add parts to the image that would not work well in another context: whether that’s memorable flags or decorations, or a surprising data mapping.
Data presentations leave a lot of room for creativity, and so designers are most often deeply involved in data presentations. They often can be carried out in drawing tools like Illustrator as well as technical tools like Tableau. Coding tools like D3 can let the designer create an interactive visualization or explore a new representation.
"HBO Recycling Program, Hanpuku version" (Detail, adapted from Craig Robinson's original.) This visualization shows the complex connections between stars who appear in multiple HBO shows. We applied a circular layout to show how Illustrator and D3 complement each other.
Data presentations might be animated – as in Hans Rosling’s famous “200 countries, 200 years” talk, where Rosling gesticulates as the data animates through time. They might be interactive, allowing the user to control information progressively, or even to filter and slice the data, as many New York Times ones do. (I rather like this example on the Bond Yield Curve). Even here, the questions are largely predetermined, and the goal of the presentation is to communicate the results to another.
Next up: let’s talk about dashboards.
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Edward Segal & Jeff Heer wrote an excellent paper on Narrative Visualizations, which tries to pick apart
A quick visit to reddit’s r/dataisbeautiful gives a great selection of data presentations, as does Tableau’s “Iron Viz” contest.
Visualization Genres: Exploration
In the last entry, I introduced three genres of visualization —presentation, exploration, and monitoring. I’d like to dive into these in a little more detail.
The first genre I want to talk about is data exploration. Exploration – formally, “Exploratory Data Analysis” – pares visualization down to its barest elements: it asks nothing but how to deliver an insight rapidly.
An analyst starts an exploration with almost no idea of the outcome. They might start with a concrete question – “how are sales doing in our new store?” – but will rapidly begin to explore possibilities, trying to unpack reasons and correlates and related factors. Are sales up? What’s changed? Why did this month look better than last, and can we replicate it? They will ask dozens of questions, trying to learn what is going on in the data and why, trying to build a story.
A Python Notebook showing a pairplot — the combinations of dimensions — to rapidly explore distributions and relations.
Some explorations may even start with a blank slate, knowing little about the data. The first steps in an exploration might be to evaluate the quality and meaning of the data – checking what the dimensions of the data are, how the values are distributed, and how different dimensions relate to each other. An exploration might require merging data from multiple sources, cleaning stray values, and looking at multiple histograms, scatterplots, and different groupings of the data.
Explorations are usually led by data analysts, or subject-matter experts. Their tools are data-oriented, including R, Jupyter notebooks, Tableau or PowerBI. Tools for data exploration prioritize rapid iteration – it should be easy to change axes, swap out dimensions, or change groupings; and it should happen quickly, with just a few keystrokes or a click of the mouse.
To make sure they can keep diving into the data, the analyst carrying out an exploration almost always runs it against a static excerpt of data, ensuring that their discovery is easy to replicate – and ensuring that their data excerpt can be computed quickly. Once they’ve found an insight, an analyst will often then run it against a different time period or a different sample of their data to validate that their insight is robust.
It’s worth talking in some detail about data exploration because people find it … underwhelming. At Microsoft, I often had colleagues come to my office with a dataset that they wanted to explore. What new insights would they find?
Somewhat to their disappointment, I didn’t turn to flying dots or animated graphs or 3D visualization — despite the fact that I was working on those very technologies. Instead, I’d start with a few histograms, getting to know the distribution.
Now, later, when we were presenting the results — but that’s next week’s posting.
There are a few sub-genres of exploration that are worth noting. The description above suggests data exploration of the frontier: when you could be faced with almost anything. Often, though, that’s not quite true.
Some tools support context-specific data exploration. An MRI machine display allows an analyst to scan through layers of sophisticated imagery, but does not allow generalized display. System monitoring tools, like Datadog or Google Analytics, allow users to ask questions tuned specifically to the DevOps domain. In each of these domains, there are some interesting changes:
The tool might offer domain-specific visualizations. A system monitoring tool might offer trace visualizations or flame graphs; a geographic tool might natively offer maps; the MRI display makes sense of underlying data by visualizing and partially analyzing the results.
The tool might offer opinionated computations: while “95th percentile” might not be a one-liner in general math libraries, it is fundamental to the DevOps workload.
Overall, context-specific exploratory visualizations use additional domain information to help analysts ask more-restrictive questions, in exchange for rich, domain-specific tools.. I’m going to talk more about tools that sit between genres at the end of this series.
The genre of exploration overall privileges rough-and-ready computation over precise details; it looks to come up with insights rapidly; and is largely uninterested in the aesthetic of the visualization.
In my next entry, I’ll talk about the next genre: data presentation — a very different domain.